

A student and cohort tracker providing school leaders and teachers with an “on-balance” assessment of where any one student (or cohort of students) is performing and an “on-balance” assessment of how much growth a student (or cohort of students) has made. Importantly, score will all be converted to Australian Curriculum equivalent scores (VicCurriculum scores for Victorian schools). Furthermore, all tests undertake in a time period are displayed on one screen.

Performance Speedometers

Year level scale scores are calculated by taking an acerage against all SPAstandard+ results stored for a student over the last 12 months.

SPAtracker Demo

Student Tracker

The Student Tracker component of the SPAtracker provides teachers with an “on-balance” assessment of where any one student is performing at any one point in time and an “on-balance” assessment of how much growth a student has made between any two points in time. Accordingly, it provides two types of student level analysis.

  • SPAtracker displays all of a student’s results for any one semester or year across all assessments undertaken by that student in that semester/year (including NAPLAN, PAT, Text Levels, On Demand, etc.). Importantly for teachers, all results will be displayed both in their original scale score metric and as approximate Australian or Victorian Curriculum equivalent progression point scores so the teachers will be able to make an “on-balance” judgement about the student’s level of performance in that semester/year.

  • SPAtracker displays all of a student’s results across all assessments undertaken by that student across any two points in time to give an “on-balance” assessment of the amount of growth that student has made between those two points in time.

Cohort Tracker

The Cohort Tracker component of SPAtracker provides school leaders and teachers with information that can be used for both School Reviews and for Performance and Development procedures by providing an “on-balance” assessment of where any one cohort of students is performing at any one point in time and an “on-balance” assessment of how much growth that cohort of students has made between any two points in time. Accordingly, it provides two types of cohort level analysis.

  • First, it provides the ability to select any cohort of students (e.g. a class, all EAL students, all Yr3 students, etc.) and view summary information about that cohort both in scale score points and Australian or Victorian Curriculum equivalent progression point scores for any one semester or year.
  • Second, it shows average cohort growth between any two points in time (e.g. end of previous year to end of current year, mid-year to end-of-year, etc.) expressed as an Australian or Victorian Curriculum equivalent progression point scores.