

The SPAmarkbook+ module assists individual teachers to keep a record of every class assessment that they set, this will be accomplished in a number of ways

A recording and analytics tool for all classroom teacher assessments. At the simplest level teachers will be able to record and analyse all their assessment marks. At a more sophisticated level, SPAmarkbook+ will support pre-test Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)/Guttman Chart sorting to inform and differentiate teaching and calculate pre/post test effect-sizes to reflect student growth. It also includes a rubrics analyser and curriculum continuums against which individual classroom teachers can map student performance.

SPAmarkbook+ Demo

Organise your daily classroom

At its simplest level, SPAmarkbook+ will enable teachers to enter and electronically store the scores for any assessment both as a raw score and as a percentage of the total points available. If teachers want to allocate grades to this work (e.g. A, B, C, etc. or Distinction, Credit, Pass, etc.) they will be able to allocate cut score points and results will be colour coded accordingly.

Summative Analysis

At a more sophisticated summative level, pre-test data will be linked to post-test data allowing for the analysis of both individual growth and average class growth between pre- and post-test occasions. This growth will be expressed both as a percentage score improvement and as an effect size.

Check-off your Curriculum Levels

The SPAmarkbook+ module also includes the ability for teachers to “check-off” VicCurriculum/Australian Curriculum Level outcomes for students in their class as students “begin”, “consolidate” and “establish” the behaviours described in the outcomes. SPAmarkbook+ will then calculate an estimated Year Level progression point score based on this information.