about the spaplatform

The SPAplatform is a series of software modules made up of:

  • A summative assessment analytics module
  • A student and cohort tracking module
  • A teacher mark book & formative assessment analytics module

Designed to be used by school leaders & teachers, the SPAplatform provides a modern HTML5 web application to house all your student analytics software modules in one place. Staff login once and have access to all the modules your school chooses to use.

We support our schools through technical assistance, expert education consultants and our expert educational statistician.

    Key Points

    • Cloud-based software
    • Modern HTML5 that works with any web browser, tablet or smart phone
    • Hosted on private Australian servers
    • Designed and built in Australia by Australian teachers and educational statisticians, for the Australian education system
    • We have been changing the way schools record and evaluate their data for over 12 years
    • We are THE experts in school and student data analysis!


Safer Technologies 4 Schools initiative is a comprehensive program aimed at ensuring digital products and services used in schools across Australia and New Zealand meet stringent security and privacy standards, by evaluating technologies against a standardised framework to ensure they adhere to national guidelines for security and privacy controls.